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Chaozhou customer set 100,000 tons corrugated/ fluting paper making project and ordered whole set corrugated paper stock preparation line machine. Main ordered equipment included Chain Conveyor, D Type Hydrapulper, Dry Broken Paper Hydrapulper, Fiber Deflaker, Hydrapurger, Light Impurity Separator, Reject Separator, Ragger, Rope Cutter, Midddle Consistency Pressure Screen, Inflow Pressure Screen, Drum Screen, Grapple, Agitator.
Shipped equipment of corrugated paper stock preparation line has finished shipped to Chaozhou. Shipped equipment included middle consistency pressure screen, inflow pressure screen, drum screen, dry broken paper hydrapulper, hydrapurger, reject separator, rope cutter. If you want to know more about corrugated paper making project, please feel free to contact us. Email: leizhanchina@gmail.com.