Paper Pulp Machine
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Paper Line For Flute And Testliner


    paper line for flute and testliner


    Leizhan has been specialized in stock preparation line for over 35 years, we manufacture the complete set of paper pulping line for paper maker friends, paper line for flute and testliner details are as below.


    Can We Produce Flute And Testliner Paper Both Use One Line?

    The answer is yes. As we know, kraft paper making line need two headbox and corrugated paper just need one. Therefore, we can use testliner paper making line to produce flute paper but can’t use corrugated paper making line to produce keaft paper.

    When we use one line to produce two different paper, need to change some screen basket, and the pulp don’t need to divided into top layer pulp and bottom layer pulp.


    If you have any need for remould the paper making line, welcome to consult Our professional engineer will give the most reasonable advice for you.