Waste newspaper can be used to produce tissue paper and cultural paper. More and more customers choose waste newspapers as raw materials for the production of toilet paper and culture under limited conditions. In order to ensure the quality of finished products, some deinking equipment is required in the pulping line, such as flotation deinking machine, disc disperser machine and kneader,etc. We can offer complete deinking line machine.
High Consistency Hydrapulper → High Density Cleaner → Middle Consistency Pressure Screen → Vibrating Screen → One Stage Low Density Cleaner → Two Stage Low Density Cleaner → Middle Consistency Fine Screen → Flotation Deinking Machine → Low Density Cleaner → Inclined Screen
If you decide to use waste newspapers as raw materials for toilet paper and cultural paper, welcome to contact us for more details about deinking line machine. Email address: leizhanchina@gmail.com.